Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Praying beads

Since my friend Ricardo have explained some of the beautiful aspects of the Roman Catholic Religion I have wanted to purchase a rosary. The reason not only being aesthetics but also because I believe there lies beauty in this tradition. Unfortunately it has been difficult to find anything other than fashion accesories, which is obviously not remotely the same thing that I had in mind. But, last Friday I went to Greenwich Market with my sister where I found a woman selling antiques from france, amongst which were a few rosaries from the beginning of the 20th century. Not only did I find a beautiful mother of pearl rosary, but it's 2nd hand and you can see how every bead has been chaved away by weary fingers reciting 'hail mary's' and 'our holy fathers'. I am so glad to have found this treasure, which is why I have included these pictures.

For those of you interested in these sort of things, do yourself a favour and wikipedia the word 'prayer beads', mind boggling how many religions make use of this method of prayer. (Yes, even the Christian religion, which is surprising since they are usually the first to condemn the use of these symbolic methods)

Anyway - if you look closely on the left you will see that the Jesus figure is litterally nailed to the mother of pearl cross.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Terra Naomi's "Say it's possible"

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Eve

The pictures should speak for themselves. All taken by Richard who is now finally taking pictures! (Apparently I intimidated him...hmmm) I think they came out beautifully. I was working - collecting cover charge, at least I made a good 50 pound and got see a few crazy people abusing alcohol, there wasn't a dull moment.